Summer may be over, but there’s still lots of great programming to enjoy at the Headwaters!Imagine a Day Without Water: DIY Rain Barrel Workshop
Wednesday, October 23 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

In honor of Imagine a Day Without Water, the Headwaters at the Comal and New Braunfels Utilities will host a DIY Rain Barrel Workshop.

Learn how to make a rain barrel for your home and garden. Bring your own 32 gallon, heavy duty trash can to follow along with the demonstration. All other materials will be provided. Tours will be available following the workshop

Saturday SEAM Series: Spooky Science
Saturday, October 26 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Nothing sends chills up the spines of trick or treaters like a well-placed scream, an eerie howl, or a ghostly surprise. Get hands on with the creepiest of science labs, and explore the science behind some of our favorite Halloween spooks.

America Recycles Day: Celebrate Youth
Friday, November 15 9:00 am – 11:00 am

During this interactive and educational event, students (ages 4-10) will learn what they can recycle at home and how they can help their family members reduce waste, as well as exciting ways to reuse products that would normally end up in the trash.

This free program is led by the City of New Braunfels Solid Waste & Recycling Division.

Nature Cell Phone Photography
Saturday, November 16  8:30 am – 10:30 am

Join photographer Grace Pfeiffer exploring the Headwaters and learning how to take amazing nature photographs, using your phone! You will learn how to take high quality shots, edit photos on your phone, and what you can do with your photos once you have taken them!

Saturday SEAM Series: Bubble-ology
Saturday, November 23 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

There’s something magical about a bubble. It’s just a little puff of air trapped in a thin film of soap and water. This lesson works towards understanding the science of air pressure and how it shapes the bubbles. Take these labs further to understand the basics of chemistry and to discover the best bubble recipe.

Saturday SEAM Series: Santa Science
Saturday, December 14 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Students will learn about the power of super absorbing polymers, and just how snow falls from the sky. They will also be challenged to build a Christmas tree with gum drops!

To learn more about any of these events or to purchase tickets, visit Programs.

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