Where it begins. Comal River.
The Comal River is the heart and soul of New Braunfels, that is why we are rejuvenating 16 acres at the headwaters of the Comal River where people can learn, have fun, and experience history and nature. We’re strengthening the relationship between the community and nature by showcasing the significance of the Comal Springs.
Framing the Foundation Campaign
$11.2 Million Raised
In partnership with the community we are creating a premier education center, at the
headwaters springs of the Comal River, inspiring hearts and minds on the importance of
conserving the Comal River Spring System.

Our Vision
The Comal River is the heart and soul of New Braunfels and for thousands of years it has been an important gathering place for people. The Comal is a critical natural resource for the region. To ensure the protection of this unique national treasure, we are restoring the property to its natural state and repurposing the facilities into an innovative, nature-oriented community space.

Our Story
The story of Headwaters at the Comal, New Braunfels Utilities’ conservation legacy project, begins in 2012 with a group of dedicated stakeholders working to define a higher and better purpose for the site that holds the Comal River’s headwater springs. The story of the significance of the springs is a true intersection of water and history going back thousands of years.

Experience the Headwaters
Come visit this nature-oriented community space, at the headwaters springs of the Comal River. It’s a space for research, learning, gathering, and appreciating the long history and importance of the Comal River and the spring system that feeds it, and the importance of conserving this unique resource.

Get Involved
Join us in our work to protect and conserve the Comal Springs. There are many ways to get involved and all of them contribute to our mission of connecting the community to nature, history, and the significance of the Comal River to this region.
Opportunities include: volunteering your time and talents, making a financial contribution, becoming a member, or simply making a visit to see the Headwaters of the Comal.